Heat pumps

  • The best app
    for selling
    heat pumps

    Meet the tool that will help you increase sales and streamline processes in your company.

What can our application do?

  • Presents the company

    Let the customer get to know your company better and gain his trust.

  • Analyzes the needs

    Find out what your client's needs are and then propose the perfect solution.

  • Calculates the heating power demand

    Use interactive forms to calculate the customer's heating power demend and prepare an adequate offer.

  • Calculates the estimated savings

    Include in your offer the available discounts and programs guaranteeing the reduction of the cost of purchasing the pump.

  • Compares heating costs

    Show your customer how much money they will save by purchasing a heat pump compared to other energy sources.

  • Selects the optimal configuration of the heat pump

    Provide the customer with the proposed heat pump configurations according to his needs.

  • It helps to close the sale

    Present to the client the main advantages and benefits of the offered solution.

  • Creates credit or leasing simulations

    Create a preliminary cost simulation for the client, taking into account an external financing source.

  • Sends a summary

    The client will receive a message with a summary and a generated offer automatically after the end of the meeting.

  • Manages the sales process

    Control the status of each customer in the sales funnel and duplicate the best practices in your team.

  • Integrates data with CRM

    Automatically transfer the data obtained during the meeting to the integrated external CRM system or the one offered by Salesbook.

  • Generates reports

    Analyze data from meetings and based on conclusions, improve sales activities.

Check how to increase the sales of heat pumps by 57%

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What benefits will you get with Salesbook?



You can easily define the client's needs

Use the calculators and surveys available in the application to collect all the necessary data and generate an effective sales offer for a heat pump.



You will convince the customer to buy

Use attractive presentations, visualizations and reports on previous implementations during the meeting with the client. Build a professional image of the company thanks to refined visual communication.



You will automatically generate a heat pump offer

Use the potential of a sales meeting to close the sale. In real time, create the perfect offer for the client and present it to him for approval.



You will plan the next steps in the sales process

Use the data collected during the sales meeting to effectively manage customer value in the company. Plan additional sales and activities related to after-sales care.



You will improve the flow of information in the company

The application will automatically and in real time send all information about the client and the meeting to the integrated CRM system. This will improve the communication process between the company's employees and external subcontractors.



You will increase the efficiency of salespeople

Thanks to the analysis of data from sales meetings, you will create an effective, universal and based on the best practice scenario of a sales meeting.



You will significantly increase your sales results

Organizing the sales process and increasing the quality of customer service, combined with the automation of repetitive activities performed by sellers, will allow you to increase profits and more effectively reach new customers.

Check how to analyze customer needs for heat pumps.

Sign up for the demo »

We strengthen direct sales among hundreds of customers

Frank Burow
CFO/COO, OVB AG, Germany
Salesbook allows us to present in a visually attractive way the company, its main advantages and benefits of working in it. The platform ofers also extensive analytics and reports about the performance of the agents.

Check how to create an effective offer for heat pumps

Sign up for the demo »

Salesbook Versions

  • Standard

    application available through a web browser
    management of the entire sales process (CRM)
    visual installation design
    offering and managing the assembly process
    Microsoft Azure cloud
    standard service support
    access to application updates
  • Pro

    all functions of the Standard package
    dedicated salesman app for iPad
    company presentation and offer module
    calculating customer benefits module
    the ability to collect information on the customer's installation site (including photographs)
    the ability to sign a contract with the customer
    full integration with the WWW application and the entire sales system
  • Enterprise

    all features of the Pro package
    dedicated modules
    any integration with other IT system (API)
    option of installation on the hosting platform indicated by the customer
    Premium service support: fast guaranteed response times

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for Free

Send message

Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

+44 203 807 0179
help@salesbook.com sales@salesbook.com

Our Customer Care Department is available from Mon. to Fri. 9am - 5pm CET.

We support inquiries, processes of configuration and use of Salesbook app, as well as billing and technical issues.

  • Number of sellers*
  • Before sending us your personal information, be sure to read the Privacy Policy, where you will find information about the personal data administrator, your rights and obligations, for which purpose your data is processed and any other information regarding the protection and security of your personal data.

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