Salesbook wins at the UIPath Automation Awards CEE 2020

Salesbook wins at the UIPath Automation Awards CEE 2020

2 Mar 2021

Salesbook won in the “scale-up” category for creating an innovative sales platform that combines tools such as sales enablement, CRM, CPQ and SFA. We have gained recognition for mechanisms that automate key aspects of salespeople's work, such as gathering information and analyzing customer needs, sending a summary of a sales meeting or reporting to analytical systems.

The jury was impressed with the capabilities of our system, which already allows traders to manage their time more efficiently and be more successful. Most importantly, it was recognized that it is a comprehensive tool that allows for automation of direct sales processes in a manner similar to those known from e-commerce.

Salesbook will be presented to the largest UiPath customers as a tool that can be immediately used in commercial processes, and additionally will also be deployed on the UiPath Virtual Immersion Lab platform.

Link to the official UIPath statement: https://www.uipath.com/blog/uipath-automation-awards-cee-turkey-2020-winners