


  • 24 Feb 2023

    How to automatically generate a sales contract and sign it quickly?

    Contract signing is a result of an effective sales process. In an ideal situation, this moment does not last forever, however, the reality is much more unpredictable and complex. What can you do to affect the process? Are there any modern tools that allow you to automatically generate a sales contract and sign it quickly? Read our article.

    Daria Olech
  • 20 Feb 2023

    8 habits of a successful salesperson

    The first place is the most crucial position in sales. If you want to be a successful salesperson and be the winner, you must develop good habits. How to do it? Which one of the habits deserves your attention? Read our article and get more information.

    Daria Olech
  • 20 Feb 2023

    What is consultative selling, and how to automate this sales process?

    Consultative selling is a sales process in which sales reps are advisors and trustworthy business partners to their potential customers. Their role relies on listening to buyers and asking about their difficulties and needs. This kind of sales strategy is very demanding for a sales rep. So, can we automate it?

    Daria Olech
  • 25 Jan 2023

    5 biggest myths about telemarketing

    Is it true that contacts with clients over the phone make genuine relations with sales teams impossible? What is the effectiveness of such sales process, and what does affect the work of contact centers? Do natural-born sales people really exist? You will find answers in this article.

    Daria Olech
  • 25 Jan 2023

    The whole truth about the work-life balance in the life of a salesperson. A myth or a new standard?

    What is behind the work-life balance idea? Is it possible to find time for your family and hobbies if you work in a sales position? How about new technologies in sales and marketing teams? Are sales enablement tools useful? You will find the answers in our article.

    Daria Olech
  • 24 Jan 2023

    Happy customers can be your best advertising strategy

    Positive reviews of your clients presented on the website of your company or a Facebook page can have a huge impact on your business and attract potential buyers. A customer who will convince others that you do a good job can be your best advertising strategy. What is the meaning of personal recommendations and how to ask for them?

    Daria Olech
  • 24 Jan 2023

    Why visual language is so effective in sales

    Visual language is crucial when creating a brand identity, as well as delivering a consistent message to potential customers. Therefore, in order to find out the impact of visual language on sales, we first need to understand what the language really means in our lives.

    Klaudia Drwęcka
  • 18 Jan 2023

    What is sales analytics and why is CRM platform sometimes not enough? 

    Sales is a process that can be accurately measured and analyzed. Understanding the results of this analysis will allow you to see, among other things, which practices are most effective in your industry, or at which stage of the funnel you are losing the most opportunities. And where is the CRM system in all this?

    Klaudia Drwęcka
  • 17 Nov 2022

    What is CPQ, or Configure Price Quote? Definition, usage and benefits

    A sales offer tailored to customer needs is a very strong sales argument. However, preparing it, especially for a demanding specialized industry, is usually time-consuming and difficult. But does it really have to be? 

    Klaudia Drwęcka
  • 7 Nov 2022

    What are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and how should you use them to increase sales?

    You can’t run a company without thinking about numbers and other data, which tell you about important processes in your business. Check what key performance indicators (KPI) are and in what way they can measure progress in your company. Do you want to know more about KPIs and organizational objectives? Read our article.

    Daria Olech
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